Every day, people with disabilities can and do go to work and fulfill needed and valued roles in communities across the United States. Individuals with disabilities, if given the chance, can succeed in employment alongside people without disabilities. They should be provided the resources available to their peers and should earn equal pay and competitive wages.


Click HERE to download a copy of the Employer’s Resource Guide from the WV Division of Rehabilitation

Click HERE to access a copy of the Center for Excellence in Disabilities (CED) Everyone Can Work publication

Hiring People With Disabilities

Employee Rights

Employer’s Responsibilities

Job Accommodations and Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Assistive Technology for the Workplace

Laws and Regulations

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services - Statewide programs and services offered to persons with disabilities that include vocational training, job placement, independent living skills training, assistive technology services, referral services, medical services, personal adjustment and driver education.